Dark Grey Planet 01 (第2/3页)
the Milky Way is 240 kilometers per sed,
The speed of the Milky Way in the universe is 600 kilometers per sed,
The Juno space probe has a top speed of 265,000 kilometers per hour,
It would take about 4075 Earth years to travel a distance of 1 light-year with Juno,
If Juno were to fly to the closest habitable p to Earth,
It takes 17115 Earth years to reach Proxima b, 4.2 light-years away,
It takes 48512 Earth years to reach Tiang 5e, which is 11.905 light-years away,
It takes 56,235 Earth years to reach Wolf 1061c, which is 13.8 light-years away,
It takes 65199 Earth years to reach Gris 832c, which is 16 light years away,
It takes 83536 Earth years to reach Gris 581g, which is 20.5 light-years away,
It takes 92502 Earth years to reach Gris 667, which is 22.7 light-years away,
To reach Gliese 667 Cc at 24 light years, it would take 97800 Earth years,
To reach Trapp-1 at 39.13 light-years, it would take 159,454 Earth years,
To HD 40307 g at 42 light years, it would take 179 Earth years,
It takes 199,674 Earth years to reach Gris 163c, which is 49 light-years away,
It takes 452,325 Earth years to reach K2-18b in Leo, which is 111 light-years away,
To reach Kepler 438b, which is 470 lig