Male to female to male 01 (第3/5页)
use please say C,
Other please say Z,
The two said to the assistant image: B,
Assistant voice says:
If you are satisfied with this product, please say A,
If you are not satisfied with this product, please say B,
Other please say Z,
Xiaobaihua said: Z,
Darrell thought to himself: what was the first time...,
After five breaths,
Suddenly listening to the voice of the intelligent assistant: If you don't answer for five seds, the product will be turned off.
Startled Darrell quickly said: Z,
Assistant voice says:
Inhabit the earth please say A,
Living on the moon please say B,
Living in Yueqiu please say C,
Other please say Z,
The two said to the assistant image: C,
Assistant voice says:
If the user is male, please say A,
If the user is female, please say B,
Other please say Z,
Darrell said: A,
Xiao Baihua said to the assistant image: B,
Assistant voice says:
For students, please say A,
Office workers, please say B,
Elderly people, please say C,
Other please say Z,
The two said to the assistant image: A,
Assistant voice says:
Age 10-14 please say A,
Age 15-19 please say B,
Age 20-24 please say C,
Age 25-29 please say D,
Age 30-34 please say E,
Age 35-39 please say F,
Age 40-44 please say G,
Age 45-49 please say H,
Other please say Z,
The two said to the assistant image: B,
Assistant voic